Sunday, 2 January 2011


I read that the Housing Minister, Grant Shapps, has asked Liverpool City Council to delay a regeneration scheme in order to allow conservation groups more time to put forward plans designed to preserve an old terraced house. Apparently, the house was the birthplace of ex-Beatle Ringo Starr, and his family lived there for 3 months after his birth.

Eleswhere in the news, Mr Shapps is found bemoaning the slow pace of house building and the inexorable rise in house prices. He wants more houses built and the introduction of an age of "house price stability".

What kind of dream world does this idiot minister inhabit ? One has to assume that Liverpool City Council is trying to do exactly what Mr Shapps wants by way of improving condiions in its area and yet this goon is interfering over a house once occupied for a very short time by a pop group drummer. Some things are certainly worth preserving but it seems that, in this case, Mr Shapps is simply bowing to moronic populist pressure.

Get real, Mr Shapps. This country has more than enough genuine problems for you to worry about without you playing populist political games over matters of no importance whatsoever.

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