Thursday, 24 February 2011


Everyone seems to be berating the Government for its supposed slow response to the situation in Libya, however, I have a slightly different view on the subject.

A relative handful of British citizens have found themselves in potential danger in a foreign country but I suspect that many of these people are there as employees of oil companies and are earning large, tax-free salaries in an industry literally awash with cash. They have chosen to live and work in a country ruled over by a vicious dictator for their own pecuniary advantage. How many of them pay UK tax ?

It should not be the responsibility of the UK government to rescue these people; it is the responsibility of themselves and their employers. If anyone should be criticised for responding slowly and inadequately to the deteriorating situation, it is the companies. Of course, our government is responsible for its own employees and has a responsibility for other British citizens who may be there for other reasons, but we should never forget that we are all responsible for our own choices. If a bad choice leads to a bad situation, that is our own fault, no one else's. We cannot expect the cavalry to come charging over the hill whenever danger threatens.

David Cameron's knee-jerk apology today is a huge insult and slap in the face for William Hague, a far more competent politician, and Mr Hague must surely now be 'considering his position'. If it was I, that consideration would already have occurred; I'd have packed my bags and said goodbye to 'Dave' and all his works.

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