Despite the efforts of the Football Association and their Scottish allies, FIFA duly went ahead with the coronation of their discredited President yesterday. Indeed, from odd news clips broadcast on the BBC, it seems that not only was there little support for the opponents of Sepp Blatter but several FIFA representatives, from such mighty footballing nations as Cyprus, openly sneered at the efforts to delay the election until the current crop of corruption allegations have been properly investigated.
Blatter has promised to bring about a range of reforms during his new term in charge, but history suggests little will really change. Blatter will continue to enjoy the status of an international leader, trotting around the world and being feted by all those desirous of earning his favour, and the gravy train will roll on. Those who already enjoy the largesse that membership of this organisation brings will hardly be enthusiastic in bringing about any changes that will reduce their benefits, and corruption will remain rife.
The FA will probably argue that it's better to try to reform FIFA from within than from without, but this is nonsense; FIFA is irredeemable and the only honest action would be to withdraw entirely. In due course, other major footballing nations would follow and FIFA would be left with a rump of countries that have little footballing heritage. That this scenario is unlikely is obvious; the FA doesn't have the bottle to act in any serious way and we can look forward to a repeat of the recent events in 4 years time, when FIFA is called upon to elect Blatter yet again or, failing that, his annointed successor, unopposed.
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