Monday, 19 November 2012


A few days ago I wrote about the death of Democracy and today David Cameron will prove my point.
Speaking at the CBI's annual conference, he will apparently be telling the nation that the peoples' right to challenge government policies and decisions is to be severely curtailed. He will, reportedly, say that we need 'wartime thinking', when "rules were circumvented"
Now, what occurs to me is that this is the same David Cameron who calls circumventing tax rules immoral; this is the same David Cameron who obeys every dictat of the EU and wouldn't dream of circumventing its rules. This is, in fact, a man who picks and chooses which rules to adhere to and which to break according to his own fancies at the time. This is the beginnings of totalitarian dictatorship.
Ed Miliband, another in the Cameron mould, will supposedly tell the CBI that Britain is sleepwalking into leaving the EU. He would do better to point out that its people are sleepwalking into dictatorship, though this would not suit his political purposes as he may well turn out to be the Dictator.
Whichever, Cameron, Miliband or some other, emerges as top dog, "heil mein Führer !" "Viva Il Duce !"  "Da zdravstvuet Stalin !"

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