Thursday, 4 April 2013


The leaders of the Greater Manchester Police Force have decided to widen the scope of what are moronically called 'hate crimes'. In future, they will designate crimes against an assortment of sub-groups, such as 'goths' and 'emos' (whatever they may be), as 'hate crimes' and will dedicate additional resources towards the capture and prosecution of the associated offenders.
To designate offences against particular people in our society as being automatically more serious than those against other people is, itself, fraught with danger; it is also ludicrous. To now propose that crimes against a range of weird and largely indefinable sub-groups should also be added to the list of those requirning special attention  is imbecilic. The very idea that anyone who may be perceived as being a member of such a group can only be targeted as a result of some hatred of their group is idiotic.
When a nasty little yob beats someone up in order to steal their purse, wallet or mobile phone he does not worry about which group they belong to; ridiculously, however, if he beats up an elderly Asian he will almost certainly receive a much harsher sentence than if he beats up a middle aged white man, regardless of his real motivation. In future, will the fact that I belong to a 'sub-class' of older middle aged white men who speak reasonable English, wear unfashionable clothes and sometimes a 'funny' hat, provide me with the comfort of knowing that anyone who assaults me, vandalises my car or burgles my home, will be treated as having perpetrated a 'hate crime' ? Of course not. My skin colour, religion and gender, as well as the fact that I am not disabled, render me immune from any such consideration.
The very notion of 'hate crime' is an invention of the lunatic left and it is a shocking condemnation of our entire politcial elite that they have all embraced it. It is quite frightening that our police services are now trying to extend this ridiculous notion still further. I hate it. In fact, I hate it so much that if I was to kick a police officer, would I be 'done' for a 'hate crime' as well as for assaulting an officer ?

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