Friday, 24 May 2013


The shocking murder of a soldier on the streets of Woolwich is a direct consequence of uncontrolled mass immigration coupled with a policy of allowing the development of 'communities' which are culturally and socially separate from the indigenous population of this country.
Over recent years, successive governments have allowed, even encouraged, a situation in which larges swathes of our major towns and cities are now populated by immigrants and their families who have nothing in common with British culture, many of whom speak no English and many of whom have entirely alien social structures.
People such as those who perpetrated the brutal killing on Wednesday may have been born in this country but they owe no allegiance to it. They behaved as would savages in the most uncivilised parts of the globe, attacking a man with knives and meat cleavers in a most vicious fashion. To call them human beings is to deride humanity - they are animals and should be put down as such.
These animals, despite living here and no doubt benefiting from the state in an assortment of ways, have grown up to hate our country and everything that it stands for. They have absorbed a cultural and social approach to life that is the antithesis of all that is British, due to living a culturally separate existence from the bulk of the population.
It is time for this dangerously divisive policy of allowing and encouraging the development of separate 'communities' within our national community to be stopped. There is no 'Islamic community', nor 'Bangladeshi community' nor 'Somali community'; there is the British community and that is all. Until a government has the balls to really enforce such an approach, we will continue to be a divided nation and will all have to watch our backs.

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