Sunday, 9 June 2013


Yet another Member of Parliament has been caught accepting money for favours, this time being the senior Conservative, Tim Yeo. It's not the first time Mr Yeo has been in trouble either, for back in 1994 he had to resign his ministerial post after being discovered to have fathered a 'love child' despite having spoken vociferously on the subjects of broken families and single parents.

Notwithstanding that his latest bad behaviour has been captured on film, Yeo is denying that he's guilty of any wrong-doing. Many might simply see this denial as the typical conduct of an MP 'caught with his trousers down', though I couldn't possibly comment. What can't be denied is that the filmic evidence appears pretty damning and one is left wondering whether the man is simply stupid or is so arrogant that he was just flattered by the approach made to him and couldn't resist the offer of money. Either way, his political career may well be over.

While Yeo was digging a great big hole for himself, William Hague has been trying to convince us that we have nothing to fear from the snoopings of GCHQ, the Government's communications' monitoring service. It's been reported that GCHQ has cooperated with American security services in monitoring various people and organisations, though no real details have been given. When Hague was interviewed today, he gave a typical politician's response, admitting nothing and claiming that GCHQ invariably acted within the law; he did not specify what law that was and did not deny that GCHQ cooperated with the Americans. He left open the whole question as to whom they may be monitoring but simply smiled and said that ordinary people had nothing to fear from their actions, a wholly meaningless statement.

So there we have it, MPs being deceitful as usual. It seems that they have forgotten what the truth is and forgotten that they have a responsibility to the people who elected them; instead they arrogantly assume that they can get away with almost anything and run the country in any way that they like. Isn't it time that the people let them know differently ?

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