Sunday, 21 July 2013


David Cameron is, without doubt, a typical dissembling politician.
For a week or two now, he's been asked whether or not he's ever had a conversation with his party's election strategist, Lynton Crosby, about the issue of plain packaging for cigarettes. Over and over again, he's refused to answer this very simple question, preferring to ramble on about his party's approach to health, cigarettes, fairies or anything else; his only comments about Mr Crosby have been that he, Crosby, has no input to policy matters and has not influenced any policy matters in any way, that he hasn't lobbied or otherwise intervened in the development of party policy.
The question and answer are only relevant because Mr Crosby has close links to the tobacco industry. Given this, and given that Mr Crosby must surely know how potentially damaging to the party's electoral aspirations would be yet another attack on smokers, he must have voiced concerns about this subject to his boss; it is inconceivable that he has not as this would be an obvious failure on his part.
By refusing to give a clear answer to the question, Cameron makes it equally clear that he has had conversations about cigarette packaging with Mr Crosby, but is frightened to admit it. He has avoided actually lying by refusing to answer the question; he has simply been a typical politician, deceitful, evasive and utterly unwilling to tell the truth under any circumstances.
Anyone who votes for this oily little man is an idiot.

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