Saturday, 28 June 2014


And so the European Union has given the green light to the appointment of Jean Claude Juncker as head of the something or other. The trouble with this convoluted organisation is that it has so many branches and arms that it's impossible for any ordinary person to understand who does what or what actual power any of them really have. Juncker, sadly, will have considerable power though 'Why ?' is unclear.

Cameron was absolutely right to oppose the election of Juncker to whatever post he now, or soon will, have, but his opposition was always pointless. This essentially socialist conglomeration of nations doesn't want strong-minded leadership and certainly doesn't want to be subjected to 'reform'; what it wants is more of the same destructive, protectionist policies that have served it well for the last 50 years, or so it thinks. The trouble is that the world has actually changed in that time, as has the Union, but its leaders refuse to acknowledge this.

The egregious Juncker is going to be 'top dog' because he is the leader of the "European Peoples' Party" or "EPP". Amazingly, there is no such party in any sense that ordinary electors would recognize; it is merely an amalgamation of the representatives of a number of parties from various countries, all of whom share broadly similar ambitions. Somehow Juncker, a man of little importance and from the almost mythical country called Luxemburg, has become the leader of this grouping; perhaps his rise to prominence is even due to his insignificance. Unfortunately, even an insignificant man can become significant if given a large enough hat.

Juncker is seen by almost everyone as a man who is steeped in the European Union and its past; reforming it is something that is alien to him. Even though many nations appear to share the British view that reform is essential, they still supported his election to what is, effectively, the top job. Why they did this only they can tell, but it leaves the British with a simplified problem. Do we want to be a member of this inward-looking and backward-looking club, or do we want to go out and explore the world ?

Our answer to this question over the last 500 and more years has been very simple. Let's go 'Out There !' Why should it be any different now ?

Sunday, 22 June 2014


I have yet to find anyone who voted for the 'European People's Party' though it seems that this was the winner of the recent European Union elections. As a result, the leader of this unknown party is expected to become President of the European Commission in the near future.

Jean-Claude Juncker is a career politician from Luxembourg who wants closer union between the member states; in fact, he'd probably be happiest with the creation of a United States of Europe. Shockingly, it seems that most national leaders support the election of this man to the 'top job' on the spurious bases that his 'Party' 'won' the election and the European Parliament has proposed him. Almost no one seems to want to dig a bit deeper.

There is actually no such thing as the 'European People's Party', it is simply a collection of national parties which have come together for the purpose of having a degree of power in the European Parliament. NO ONE voted for the EPP or, outside of Luxembourg, for its leader, Juncker, and yet he, from nowhere, is the man with the power. If Juncker gets the job, the chance of any meaningful reform of this backward looking and moribund socialist experiment in mediocrity is pretty well zero.

For once, David Cameron is doing what he should and is opposing this lunacy, though his chances of success are small. Already, a mix of national leaders, including the all-powerful Mrs Merkel, have expressed support for Juncker, which surely should tell us which way the European wind is blowing. Most European leaders want more integration, regardless of the wishes of their populations, and will push the project forward come what may. For Cameron and the few who share his views, as well as for the millions who voted for anti-EU parties in May, it's a 2-fingered salute.

Undoubtedly, the time has come. Whatever the other states do, the United Kingdom should now start to withdraw from this bureaucratic nightmare. The reforms which Cameron says he wants, and will negotiate for, will never come and the only route left is the door marked 'Exit'. Merkel, Juncker and their friends don't believe this is either a probable or possible outcome and so are pressing ahead with their federalisation agenda; Cameron's trump card is that he could, at least, suspend elements of British membership, withdrawing from key European activities until the rest see sense. If they prefer not to, then the next steps would be obvious and inevitable. Get out and leave them to their own devices.

Sunday, 15 June 2014


David Cameron, the posh and privileged rich boy who pretends to be running the country, wants us all to be more proud of being British. This is, of course, all to do with the success of UKIP in the recent elections and is an attempt to make us all believe that he's 'on our side' when it comes to the issues around Europe and immigration. The simple fact is that he's on his own side, desperately trying to find a way to win next year's general election.

As a politician, Cameron is more than happy to throw over the orthodoxy of years and even decades in order to gain power. The orthodoxy in question in this case is the notion that ever greater immigration coupled with the egregious 'multi-culturalism' is good for our nation. Once upon a time, immigration, within limits, was undoubtedly a good thing but the almost uncontrolled influx in more recent years is proving disastrous; allied to the fact that many immigrants have been allowed to form largely distinct sub-communities within our major towns and cities in which they live much as they did in their home countries, it is catastrophic.

The potential for problems arising from this policy was enunciated by the subsequently vilified Enoch Powell in 1968. That he was, in fact, correct, is something that no modern-day politician will ever admit though Cameron's words come close to recognising this by implication. The trouble is that he and his ilk are far too late in accepting the truth and have no idea what, if anything, can be done to prevent a backlash from the indigenous and largely Anglo-Saxon population.

There will be trouble, the only questions are how much and how soon.


Tony Blair believes that the invasion of Iraq, lead by George W Bush and himself, is not responsible for the mess that exists in that country today. Bullshit.

Blair, with his pseudo-Christian fanaticism, simply hates the fact that the great scheme to rid the world of Saddam Hussein and bring about western-style democracy in Iraq has failed. In fact, he now wants the western powers to invade Syria in order to have another go at creating mayhem in this part of the world. He denies absolutely that he is a warmonger but appears to be convinced that invasion is the only answer to the perceived problems of the middle east.

Blair is obviously attempting to find arguments in support of his disastrous actions and policies of yester-year, while refusing to consider that other options may have been available both then and now. Countries like Iraq, Syria, Iran and so on are not real; they were created by diplomats drawing lines on a map almost 100 years ago, without taking any account of the peoples of the region, their culture, religion or ethnicity. Pretending that these 'nations' can be forced into accepting westernised political systems and lifestyles is naïve in the extreme, as is the belief that toppling a dictator or two will achieve anything much at all. Blair clearly fails to understand this and consequently gives no thought to the obvious immediate solution to the problems that exist today. The truth is that the actions of the western world, led by the USA and UK over many decades, have done nothing but create increased upheaval in countries from Libya to Iran. Where is there peace and harmony in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Israel ?

The one solution is to redraw the boundaries of these countries. The United Nations should convene a special conference between the interested parties and determine where the national boundaries really should be, without worrying about where they are now. At a time when we are fast approaching a referendum to determine whether or not Scotland should secede from the United Kingdom, why should the Kurds not be allowed the same opportunity to create an independent state ? After all, the Jews have been permitted to define the boundaries of their own state even though this has also meant the subjugation and expulsion of many indigenous Muslims; why should the Kurds and others not be treated in the same way as the Jews ? Why should Sunnis and Shias be made to share nations if they really don't want to ? Why should western-style democracy be imposed on these essentially medieval peoples ?

Once such action has been taken only then will it be time to consider other issues. If one of the results was to be the formation of aggressive and extremist states action would have to be considered, but it would be in a very different environment from that which exists today. 

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


On a day when the economy of the Eurozone countries has sunk into an even bigger hole, the abomination that is the European Commission has had the temerity to give advice to the UK government supposedly aimed at helping us to achieve long term sustainable growth.

Inflation in the Eurozone has now fallen to its lowest level yet, at 0.5%, indicating that the economy is close to disaster. The European Central Bank will now be expected to try to boost growth and counter the threat of deflation, but evidence from past performance suggests it is unlikely to achieve very much. Meanwhile, The Commission has said that the UK should raise taxes on higher value properties and adjust the 'Help to Buy' scheme in order to address the recent rapid rise in house prices in the London area. They want the UK to revalue the council tax bands, something which would undoubtedly increase the tax for many homes.

While these remarks have caused a degree of anger amongst many Tory MPs, Vince Cable has actually come out of his box and agreed that we can do without the advice of the EC. He's acknowledged that there is an issue with house price inflation but added that "we don't need the EU to tell us what's going on here".

If ever there was clear evidence of the uselessness of much of what comes out of Brussels, surely this is it. While they preside over the mess of the Eurozone, they dare to tell the UK, one of the few European economies currently prospering, what to do. Bring on the referendum and let's leave this appalling, overblown, spendthrift and corrupt organisation as soon as possible.