Sunday, 15 June 2014


Tony Blair believes that the invasion of Iraq, lead by George W Bush and himself, is not responsible for the mess that exists in that country today. Bullshit.

Blair, with his pseudo-Christian fanaticism, simply hates the fact that the great scheme to rid the world of Saddam Hussein and bring about western-style democracy in Iraq has failed. In fact, he now wants the western powers to invade Syria in order to have another go at creating mayhem in this part of the world. He denies absolutely that he is a warmonger but appears to be convinced that invasion is the only answer to the perceived problems of the middle east.

Blair is obviously attempting to find arguments in support of his disastrous actions and policies of yester-year, while refusing to consider that other options may have been available both then and now. Countries like Iraq, Syria, Iran and so on are not real; they were created by diplomats drawing lines on a map almost 100 years ago, without taking any account of the peoples of the region, their culture, religion or ethnicity. Pretending that these 'nations' can be forced into accepting westernised political systems and lifestyles is naïve in the extreme, as is the belief that toppling a dictator or two will achieve anything much at all. Blair clearly fails to understand this and consequently gives no thought to the obvious immediate solution to the problems that exist today. The truth is that the actions of the western world, led by the USA and UK over many decades, have done nothing but create increased upheaval in countries from Libya to Iran. Where is there peace and harmony in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Israel ?

The one solution is to redraw the boundaries of these countries. The United Nations should convene a special conference between the interested parties and determine where the national boundaries really should be, without worrying about where they are now. At a time when we are fast approaching a referendum to determine whether or not Scotland should secede from the United Kingdom, why should the Kurds not be allowed the same opportunity to create an independent state ? After all, the Jews have been permitted to define the boundaries of their own state even though this has also meant the subjugation and expulsion of many indigenous Muslims; why should the Kurds and others not be treated in the same way as the Jews ? Why should Sunnis and Shias be made to share nations if they really don't want to ? Why should western-style democracy be imposed on these essentially medieval peoples ?

Once such action has been taken only then will it be time to consider other issues. If one of the results was to be the formation of aggressive and extremist states action would have to be considered, but it would be in a very different environment from that which exists today. 

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