Tuesday, 2 September 2014


The brutal murder of a second American hostage by a gang of thugs somewhere in Syria or Iraq is an appalling event. It requires a response of some strength.

Some people say that the killing is an attempt to draw 'The West' into the conflict in the area in order to escalate the current fight into one between Islam and 'The West'. The same people follow this argument with a suggestion that 'The West' must, therefore, resist being too heavy handed in its response. Bollocks.

It may well be that the first part of the proposition is true, but the second is nonsense. While western nations may be somewhat fed up with problems in the middle east and thereabouts, they simply cannot ignore the actions of these vicious murderers. To their credit, most important Islamic figures have condemned the actions of the thugs and made it clear that what they have done has no religious basis; it is no more than terrorist behaviour. It is now time for 'The West' and the rest of the civilized world to follow up with serious action.

One has to wonder where the United Nations is in all of this but, in the absence of them being able to come to any sort of decision on decisive action, it is time for the US, the UK, France and anyone else who cares to join in, to go to war. It is clear that the governments of Syria and Iraq can do nothing effective and so it is up to the real powers in the world to act. There can be no doubt that the location of the terrorists is known and they can be destroyed.

Send in the troops, with real intent, and sort them out, once and for all.

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