Sunday 30 September 2012


Listening to Ed Miliband this morning makes one fear for our futures. Interviewed, if that is the right word, by Andrew Marr, Miliband gave a clear indication of his pretty extreme left-wing agenda for the future - rob those who have anything and destroy our businesses.
Miliband talked grandly of all manner of things that are simply aimed at gaining votes, with no real consideration of the impact of his proposed policies. Imposition of higher taxes on the so-called 'rich', introduction of a 'living wage' rather than the 'minimum wage' paid for, of course, by employers, reversal of the current government's changes to the NHS and so on. Where the money for all of this will come from and what effects it will have on inflation, interest rates and our general economic health were ignored, by both Miliband and his interviewer. He did say that he would retain 'iron control' over public spending, but we all know how brittle raw iron can be when stressed.
Miliband is clearly of a generation which knows little of the socialist mess of the 1960s and 1970s (he was only just 10 at the end of 1979) and sees nothing mistaken in returning to the policies of those days. He was a member of the Blair and Brown Governments which destroyed our economy in more recent times and now he wants us to elect him so that he can do it all over again in his own name.
As a an atheist I can't really pray for deliverance from this man and his madness, but I'd still like to hope that there's some greater power which will save us all from him. Sadly, I can see no sign of anyone riding to the rescue, least of all the present boys in power, David Cameron and Nick Clegg, and so a Miliband Premiership continues to look a genuine possibility from 2015.

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