Tuesday 20 November 2012


Today's "Daily Telegraph" has returned to the subject of MP's expenses with a vengeance. It seems that even though their opportunities for screwing money out of the system have been reduced, some are still using every last twist and con to profit at our expense.
Their are a new range of scams with numerous Members now renting out their own properties to their mates while renting other properties at tax payers' expense; this is all within the rules but is clearly dodgy. More than 50 Members have refused to have their accommodation details released and the Speaker has, apparently, been very active on their behalf in trying to prevent the release of as much information as humanly possible. There can be no doubt that our representatives are every bit as busy in trying to screw as much money as possible out of the system as they have ever been.
Why do we, the people who elect these crooks, put up with any of them ?

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