Thursday, 23 December 2010


Vince Cable's new outburst, blaming the 'Daily Telegraph' for his party's recent embarrassments, is a hopeless smokescreen.

Mr Cable seems to think it is the newspaper that is at fault for daring to expose the duplicity of him and his colleagues; what rot. Cable and his friends pretend one thing for public consumption and say another behind closed doors; the people should know this and understand how dishonest they are being. In the pursuit of power, they are prepared to pretend anything, but their true beliefs now cause them discomfort.

If the coalition is to survive, both sides must stop sniping at each other. Senior figures such as Mr Cable and those implicated in today's story should realise that they have a responsibility to be 100% supportive of the Government of which they are part, regardless of which party they are members. If they cannot do this, they should resign.

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