Wednesday, 25 May 2011


FIFA continues to amaze.

Just days before the election for its next President, the only candidate opposing the current incumbent ihas been accused of serious corruption, along with the current vice-President. Sepp Blatter, the current President, has immediately announced, in extremely strong terms, that FIFA will not stand for corrupt practices and there will be an inquiry by their Ethics Committee within the next 3 or 4 days.

Given the other recent allegations of corruption which have met a stoney silence, this sudden activity is astonishing. FIFA has faced allegations of corruption for years and has done absolutely nothing about them; indeed, it has steadfastly denied all charges of wrong-doing by anyone and everyone associated with them. It can be no coincidence that this latest change of heart is so close to a Presidential election nor that the allegations involve the one obstacle to Blatter serving yet another term in his position of authority, privilege and abuse.

The timing of these events is so coincidental as to be impossible. It is clear that the charges are part of a conspiracy to try to ensure that Blatter achieves his aim of another Presidential term; at the same time, it is clear that such an outcome will ensure the survivial of the existing FIFA system of total corruption and incompetence in the management of the world's most popular game.

With any luck, the plan will fail and Blatter will be defeated, notwithstanding the attempt to blacken the name of his opponent; with any luck.

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