Monday 2 May 2011


Apparently, Osama Bin Laden is dead, killed by American forces after a brief battle not far from the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.

Bin Laden was, of course, the self appointed leader of the organisation known as Al-Qaeda, which has been credited with committing some of the worst atrocities of recent years. He had been sought by the US ever since the attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001 and it was probably only a matter of time before he was caught and killed, however, there are a few questions that arise from his demise.

How is it that he was found so close to the capital of a supposedly friendly country ? Why was he not arrested and brought to trial, for a proper and lawful judgement to be made, rather than being killed out of hand ? Is there any firm evidence that he was in fact responsible for all, or any, of the atrocities credited to Al-Qaeda, other than his own claims ?

It seems certain that this was a very nasty little man who hated the West, but without a proper open and fair trial, we will probably never be sure of his real guilt or involvement in the events for which he has been so vilified, and Al-Qaeda is unlikley to die with him.

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