Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Today, George Osborne, the 'Boy Wonder', will deliver his 'Autumn Statement in which he will no doubt tell us another pack of half-truths and lies about the economic plight that faces us. It is most unlikely that he will have the nerve to tell us the truth as that would almost certainly get him the sack.
Interestingly, a discussion on 'Newsnight' last night raised this exact point. Basically, while our politicians are focused on how to win the next election, the economy has longer time scales in mind; as long as this dichotomy exists, economic difficulties will persist, at least for much longer than they might. Until our politicians are prepared to share the truth with the electorate and take the action that is necessary for prolonged recovery regardless of electoral advantage, we will continue to be in a mess.
Very few political figures have ever been willing to be honest. The current crop are not only no exception to this rule but are probably some of the worst we have ever had in this respect; they are true successors to the duplicitous era of Blair, Brown and the rest who largely helped to create the mess we are now in. If Osborne had any guts, he'd be taking an axe to Government spending in a way that would send shockwaves around the world; instead he's about to set up yet another QUANGO, one to oversee the extraction of natural gas from shale deposits. Wasn't this a government that siad it would reduce the number of such bodies ?
Our economic situation is dire and it's going to get a lot worse. We all know this and yet the government is continuing to pretend things will get better without them doing a great deal about it. They spout grand plans but are actually terrified of making the real changes that are needed for fear of electoral catastrophe. Great leaders do what's necessary regardless of personal advantage - that's why this lot aren't great, aren't even good. They're pathetic and it's time the people got up off their backsides and let them know.

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