Friday, 7 December 2012


David Cameron is reported today to want churches in England and Wales to be allowed to conduct marriages between homosexuals and lesbians. Somewhat magnanimously, it is also reported that he will not force religious organisations to carry out such ceremonies.
Exactly why this exceedingly stupid man is so keen on the nonsensical idea that marriage should apply to people of the same sex is beyond me. I have no religious beliefs but it is quite clear to me that marriage is an ancient institution that applies only to a man and a woman; the notion that a man should actually marry another man or a woman another woman is utterly ridiculous. That Cameron should be in favour of such lunacy taking place in religious institutions leaves me totally bewildered.
If homosexuals and lesbians wish to enter into formal living arrangements, that's for them to decide; it is then for the state to determine the extent to which such relationships should be treated on a par with heterosexual unions. It is most certainly not for the state to be telling or even suggesting to religious organisations that they should countenance this lunacy under their own rooves..
Cameron's doggedness in pursuit of this madness serves only to make him less and less acceptable to traditional Conservative voters and to make the success of his party at the next General Election less and less likely. Given the appalling economic state in which our nation has found itself and the inept performance of the coalition government, the electoral fortunes of the Conservatives were always going to be problematic at best; with Cameron heading off down such insane left-wing paths as this latest venture, it seems likely that they will fare very badly indeed in both the European elections of 2014 and the General Election in 2015.
If Cameron survives until 2015, one can only hope that electoral disaster will be followed by the appointment of a new leader who more closely reflects traditional Conservative values. Until that time, we have to expect a rapidly rising level of support for UKIP, being the only real alternative.

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