Thursday, 18 October 2012


David Cameron, the man whom some believe is running the country but whom others consider to be an incompetent muddler, seems to have got himself into another mess.
Yesterday, Cmeron made an announcement about energy prices, stating that energy suppliers wouldbe forced to offer all of their residential customers the lowest available tariff. Today, as questions have been asked about this pledge, it's become clear that this was another example of our PM attempting to make up a policy 'on the hoof'; sadly for him, the policy hasn't yet been developed by the relevant ministry and even if it had been, it is rapidly becoming apparent that such a policy would have so many unintended consequences and difficulties that it would be unworkable.
We all know that the energy companies have little real competition, have such a maze of tariffs that it's virtually impossible to decide which is best at any particular time and that they operate as an effective cartel, something which is already illegal in this country. The companies' single aim is to screw their customers for as much as they can get away with and successive governments have done nothing to change this to any degree.
Gas and electricity, water and telecommunications, railways and so on are all guilty of similar approaches. Their customers have been consistently robbed for decades, while our political masters have fiddled. Cameron's announcement yesterday may have been well meant but it was also naive and stupid, not the type of rubbish we should expect from the leader of the country. Perhaps it's time he went and he might consider taking his arrogant chief whip with him.

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