Thursday, 25 October 2012


While our Government and those of most, if not all, of the other countries of the developed world cut back on spending in an effort to bring their economies back into financial balance, the European Union wants to increase its budget. Unsurprisingly, this demand is causing some controversy, at least in the UK.
True to its overwhelmingly socialist ethos, those who run the EU are only too happy to demand yet more money from their member nations. This is not simply a request for an amount equal to inflation but for another 5% on top of an already bloated budget; what the people of Greece and Spain, countries where budget cuts have been enormous, think of all of this is anyone's guess though I doubt their comments would be publishable.
Year after year, this entirely unnecessary bureaucratic nonsense absorbs billions of pounds and euros. Its offficials, in their thousands, live extravagant tax-free lifestyles at the expense of people who have little ability to control their excesses. Every year, without fail, they demand more money to fund their latest pet schemes and make it seem that without the increase the world will crumble around us; in truth, it is merely their own protected world that will be in danger of crumbling.
At a time of severe financial restraint elsewhere, why should the EU consider itself exempt from making its own contribution to savings ? How can their leaders possibly expect the people of Europe to give them even more to waste when they themselves are being squeezed  so aggressively ? If anything has ever demonstrated the way in which officials of the EU are utterly divorced from the realities affecting the rest of us, this is it.
David Cameron is reported to be meeting with the almost unknown President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, to discuss the UK's views on this subject and is, apparently, threatening to veto the proposed increase; such action will not prevent any increase but would limit it to around the rate of inflation at 2%. Allowing that Van Rompuy is something of a non-entity, having been put in his position largely due to his insignificance, why Cameron is bothering is a question worth asking. It seems clear that nothing of substance will be achieved and that the only person who really matters is the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, although the European Commission President, Barroso, will no doubt make plenty of mostly meaningless noise along the way.
To my simple mind the EU has one primary objective and that is to survive unchallenged; its leaders desire nothing more than to retain their privileged status come what may. The peoples of Europe should not only resist this, they should positively rebel. It is time for this bloated organisation to be cut down to size, to be made properly accountable to the people that they claim to represent and subjected to proper financial control. This is what Cameron should be telling "Rumpy-Pumpy" today, and the UK alternative to acceptance should be a referendum on total withdrawal from this insanity.
While their is little chance of Cameron having the bottle to really 'have a go', he will probably come back claiming some sort of victory, if not today then within the next few weeks. Whether it will be enough is a different matter. 

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